Klang - Punch - Definition - Farve
Kunsten at få musik og udtryk til at gå op i en højere enhed
"Erfaring og ydmyghed er mine vigtigeste værktøjer"
Mix i 4 lette skridt
Skriv eller ring så vi kan planlægge dit projekt. Hvornår skal mixet være klart? Hvornår kan du sende filer?
Hvad skal mixet anvendes til? Mix pris er inklusiv mastering hvis det ønskes.
Læs retningslinjerne eller se videoer på FAQ-siden.
Upload dine filer via en hvilken som helst ønsket filoverførselstjeneste.
Download mix. Lyt på forskellige lydkilder og evaluer. Dans, hvis du har lyst.
Skriv dine evt. ønsker og rettelser i fælles Google docs.
Vi retter indtil fuld ilfredshed inden for rimelighedens grænser.
Betal venligst faktura med bankoverførsel efter godkendelse af det færdige mix.
What clients say
Guidelines for preparing and delivering files for mixing
Please read this or watch the video below before delivering files for a mix.
Mixing – a two way street
Option 1
There’s two ways to go about this. Either you deliver a ProTools session (jump to the column on the right). Or if you work in any other DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) you need to bounce out all your mix files from the same starting point.
If you work in Cubase there’s an important thing you need to do. In the Cubase export window you need to select left/right channels, if not selected, Cubase will export multi channel audio which then shows up as mono files when imported.
Sound effects
Naming and structure
Reference mix
Check your files
Go to “External references”
Option 2
If you deliver a ProTools session
The same norms for naming and comping applies, but you can however keep your plug-ins activated.
Delay compensation
If possible please save your session with delay compensation enabled, this makes sure that the timing stays the same when I open your session.
FX sends
“Analog DSP”
Ready to export
External references
Another thing I use a lot is what I call external references. This can be any piece of music that so to speak exist in the real world. Music that you really like and feel acquainted with. Preferably in the same genre as your music, to work as a reference tool. If you have any external references or prior releases or other songs you like and feel inspiring, please include those, either as files or write them in a text document as links .
What is the mix for?
If you have any questions what so ever regarding this information overload, please do not hesitate to write or call me.