
Space - Punch - Definition - Flavour

The art of putting everything in its right place


"Experience & humility are my most powerful tools"

Mixing in 4 easy steps


Write or call me to schedule your project. When is the mix due? When will I receive the files?


Read the guidelines or watch the video on the FAQ page.
Upload your files through any desired file transfer service.


Download the mix. Listen on different sound sources and evaluate.
Take notes. Dance if you feel like it.


Revisions until satisfaction.
Upon approval of the final mix, please pay the invoice with bank transfer or PayPal

What clients say

Guidelines for preparing and delivering files for mixing

Please read this or watch the video below before delivering files for a mix.

Mixing – a two way street

Option 1

There’s two ways to go about this. Either you deliver a ProTools session (jump to the column on the right). Or if you work in any other DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) you need to bounce out all your mix files from the same starting point.


The resolution of the files should be kept the same as you recordings. So the sample rate and bit depth should remain the same as in your session.
If some tracks are mono bounce them in mono. Stereo tracks should be bounced as stereo and as interleaved files please. 



If you work in Cubase there’s an important thing you need to do. In the Cubase export window you need to select left/right channels, if not selected, Cubase will export multi channel audio which then shows up as mono files when imported.


When bouncing the individual tracks please bypass all sorts of plug-ins that are considered mix tools, this would include dynamics, EQs, distortion, delays and reverbs. 
Please do include plug-ins that I would consider production tools such as auto tune, automated filter movements or any extreme effect that totally changes the character of the original recording.

Sound effects

If you use effects like booms, sweeps, risers or background ambiences,   just bounce those as they are in your production including all plugins.


During recording you may have used several tracks to record the exact same element, for instance ad libs for verse 1 and ad libs for vers 2. Please export those together as one track, unless there’s any overlapping audio of course.

Naming and structure

Please name each file according to the type of element it contains, such as kick, snare or piano. If there are more than one of those elements just use ascending numbers such as kick 1, kick 2 and so on and preferably in hierarchical order.
Try to keep the track titles short and clean and feel free to use abbreviations.

Reference mix

Please remember to bounce a reference mix so I know how your mix sounded before I started working on it. 

Check your files 

Once you have bounced out all your tracks please drag them into a new arrangement and double-check that everything corresponds to the reference mix.
If so put all those files in a folder and label it with the artist name_song title_BPM number of the song.

Go to “External references”


Option 2

If you deliver a ProTools session 

The same norms for naming and comping applies, but you can however keep your plug-ins activated.


If you are using Autotune please audiosuit those and deactivate the plug-in on the specific channel. This makes it easier for me to locate those channels with Autotune.

Delay compensation

If possible please save your session with delay compensation enabled, this makes sure that the timing stays the same when I open your session.

FX sends

If you’re Working with FX sends please make sure that the receiving plug-ins have the mix knob set at 100% wet. 

“Analog DSP”

If you are using plug-ins with analog features such as a lot of the Waves stuff, please switch those to the off setting. 
That feature tends to generate a lot of noise collectively.

Ready to export

When you’re ready to export choose save copy in and be aware to choose the correct resolution here, which should just be the same as your original session.
Under items to copy choose audio files and main playlist only.  This assures, that I don’t get a lot of files not used in the arrangement and probably makes the whole session smaller in size. 
Press OK and open the The newly created session and double check that everything sounds right and is in the right place.

External references

Another thing I use a lot is what I call external references. This can be any piece of music that so to speak exist in the real world. Music that you really like and feel acquainted with. Preferably in the same genre as your music, to work as a reference tool. If you have any external references or  prior releases or other songs you like and feel inspiring, please include those, either as files or write them in a text document as links .

This type of reference can be very helpful, since it provides, what I call an open window to the real world and gives me insight to what you adore soundwise.
Please send me the external reference as well, preferably as a file, but a link is also fine.


Please label the session folder with the artist name_song title_BPM number and zip or compress that folder and send it to me either through my Wetransfer channel, dropbox or any other service you prefer

What is the mix for?

One last important thing. Please let me know from the start which medium or platform the master should be used for and if you need alternative versions like a radio edit, instrumental or a capella version.


If you have any questions what so ever regarding this information overload, please do not hesitate to write or call me.